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[FALL 2014]

“Construct & Conserve” is a proposed design for an underwater research lab stationed near the Great Barrier Reef. There are specific areas in the facility for living, sleeping, and research.  The research section contains multiple glass observatories; two of which are enclosed and two that are open to the water.  The open water observatories provide safe locations for coral to grow and for its natural inhabitants to prosper.  Subsequently, by having the coral readily available, researchers are able to interact with it and the organisms that inhabit it without leaving the facility.  The researchers leave occasionally to examine the coral reef in more detail, and they also take advantage of the glass walkways that connect the sections of the facility. This project enhances coral reef observation and generates a greater sense of understanding of the life within and surrounding the coral reef.  The researchers are concerned about the sustainability and conservation of such a vital part of the environment.  Using the design of this facility, they are able to fulfill their mission to work toward improving the conditions of the world’s coral reefs. 

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