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[SPRING 2016]

The concept of “River Street Housing” is a multi-purpose housing complex designed to integrate students and residents of the downtown Troy area.  In addition to encompassing studio apartments and 2-3 bedroom apartments, the building contains public  areas as a way to encourage the blend of students and residents: including a gallery overlooking the city, public study rooms, a blackbox theater located by the edge of the Hudson River, space for various shops, and an open courtyard. The project focuses on the idea of blending and blurring the boundaries in all aspects. One of the most prominent features of the project is the use of a “fuzzy edge” technique at multiple scales. The facade contains a double delaminated screen effect, where the interior screen extends down and folds through the floor levels and creates the entrances to the apartment units. These screens delaminate into the floor to create an entrance sequence as well as a blurred effect between stories. The  project also supports half level floors within the structure that connect the distinctly separated moments into one coherent whole.

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